Where did my budget go?

With the holidays fast approaching us, we all tend to over spend. We all love the holidays and we all tend to go over our budget, over spend our money, and over indulge in the holidays. Than we all wonder what happen to my budget, my credit cards, and my bank account. We all want holidays which are picture perfect, but they can cost a lot of money. I have a few tips which can help keep your budget intact and have beautiful holidays. When planning for the holidays use these tips to keep up your budget. To keep a budget around the holidays learn to set limits for each holiday, learn to shop year round and learn to do things in advance.
With each holiday I tend to set limit for my spending. I enjoy Thanksgiving but we can all tend to over spend. I will set a budget of a hundred dollar for dinner. I do come from a large family, so each member will bring something for everyone to enjoy. If you are planning the whole meal, you may need a larger budget. My next favorite holiday is Christmas.
Christmas is the time of year to buy gifts and spend your money. I will set a limit for each person I'm buying for. My limit is between thirty and fifty dollars. This may seem high but it is right for our economy. I have learned how to save money when shopping for gifts. I shop year around for all my Christmas gifts.
When shopping year round for my gifts; I like to look on clearance racks, use coupon and look for event coming up to buy tickets. I do shop on black Friday for a few of my gifts but I save more when shopping year round. When Christmas time does come around, I'm able to enjoy the holiday and not the Christmas rush. When planing holidays it good to plan in advance.
When planning a holiday in advance you have to be organized, but you already are! You have a budget. When I plan a holiday in advances, I plan out the food. I like to buy it ahead of time to save money and time. I like to buy unique gifts, so by shopping in advance I can get the best prices for them. When your holidays are plan and your budget it set; you can have a stress free holiday.
If you follow these tips you will have a great budget going into the new year and a stress free financial life.